The standard hourly rate for a driving lesson is £50.
Discounts are available for block booking hours of driving lessons. By buying driving lessons in blocks of hours you can budget ahead safe in the knowledge you have pre-paid your driving lessons.
Block booking prices:
10 hour block (5 x 2 hours) |
£435 |
By buying a block of 10 hours at a time you save £65 compared to buying individual hourly lessons. Lessons bought as a block have to be taken as five 2 hour lessons and the 10 hours have to be taken with 3 months of purchase.
On completion of a block of hours you can purchase another block. Should you wish to buy individual hours they will be charged at £50 for a one hour lesson, or £91 for a 2 hour lesson.
9 hour block (6 x 1.5 hours) |
£396 |
By buying a block of 9 hours at a time you save £54 compared to buying individual hourly lessons. Lessons bought as a block have to be taken as six 1.5 hour lessons and the 9 hours have to be taken with 3 months of purchase.
On completion of a block of hours you can purchase another block. Should you wish to buy individual hours they will be charged at £50 for a one hour lesson, or £69 for a 1.5 hour lesson.
NOTE: The number of hours required to reach test standard will be influenced by any driving experience you have before starting your course.